Tane Kafle, Manuel Grub, Panagiotis Sakagiannis, Martin Paul Nawrot, J. Roman Arguello. Evolution of temperature preference behaviour among drosophilids. biorxiv.
Suguru Takagi, Liliane Abuin, S. David Stupski, J. Roman Arguello, Lucia Prieto-Godino, David L. Stern, Steeve Cruchet, Raquel Álvarez-Ocaña, Carl F. R. Wienecke, Floris van Breugel, Thomas O. Auer, Richard Benton. Olfactory sensory neuron populationexpansions influence projection neuronadaptation and enhance odour tracking, Nature Communications.
Gwénaëlle Bontonou*, Bastien Saint-Leandre*, Tane Kafle, Tess Baticle, Afrah Hassan, Juan Antonio Sánchez-Alcañiz, J. Roman Arguello. Evolution of chemosensory tissues and cells across ecologically diverse Drosophilids, Nature Communications.
(*equal contribution)
Thomas O. Auer, Raquel Álvarez-Ocaña, Steeve Cruchet, Richard Benton, J. Roman Arguello. Copy number changes in co-expressed odorant receptor genes enables selection for sensory differences in drosophilid species, Nature Ecology & Evolution.
J. Roman Arguello*, Liliane Abuin*, Jan Armida, Kaan Mika, Phing Chian Chai, Richard Benton. Targeted molecular profiling of rare olfactory sensory neurons identifies fate, wiring and functional determinants. eLife,10:e63036
(*equal contribution)
Thomas O. Auer, Mohammed A. Khallaf, Ana F. Silbering, Giovanna Zappia, Kaitlyn Ellis, Raquel Álvarez-Ocaña, J. Roman Arguello, Bill S. Hansson, Gregory S.X.E. Jefferis, Sophie Caron, Markus Knaden and Richard Benton. Olfactory receptor and circuit evolution promote host specialisation. Nature, 579, 402–408.
J. Roman Arguello*, Stefan Laurent*, Andrew G. Clark. Demographic history of the human commensal Drosophila melanogaster. Genome Biology & Evolution, 11(3):844–854.
(*equal contribution)
J. Roman Arguello, and Richard Benton. Tackling Darwin’s "Instincts": The Genetic Basis of Behavioral Evolution. BMC Biology,15:26.
Angela M. Early, J.Roman Arguello, Margarida Cardoso-Moreira, Srikanth Gottipati, Jennifer Grenier, Andrew G. Clark. Survey of Global Genetic Diversity within the Drosophila Immune System. Genetics, 205: 353-366.
Vincent Croset, Michael Schleyer, J. Roman Arguello, Bertram Gerber, and Richard Benton. A molecular and neuronal basis for amino acid sensing in the Drosophila larva. Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 34871.
Lucia L. Prieto Godino, Raphael Rytz, Benoîte Bargeton, Liliane Abuin, J. Roman Arguello, Matteo Dal Peraro and Richard Benton. Olfactory receptor pseudo-pseudogenes. Nature, 539, 93-97.
J. Roman Arguello, Margarida Cardoso-Moreira, Jennifer Grenier, Srikanth Gottipati, Andrew G. Clark, Richard Benton. Extensive local adaptation within the chemosensory system following D. melanogaster’s global expansion. Nature Communications, 7:11855.
Margarida Cardoso-Moreira, J. Roman Arguello,Srikanth Gottipati, L.G. Harshman, Jennifer K. Grenier, Andrew G. Clark. Evidence for the fixation of gene duplications by positive selection in Drosophila. Genome Research, 26 787
Jennifer K. Grenier*, J. Roman Arguello*, Margarida Cardoso Moreira, Srikanth Gottipati, Jaaved Mohammed, Sean R. Hackett, Rachel Boughton, Anthony J. Greenberg, Andrew G. Clark. Global Diversity Lines - A five-continent reference panel of sequenced Drosophila melanogaster strains. G3, 5: 593-603.-798. (*equal contribution)
J. Roman Arguello, Carolina Sellanes, Yann Ru Lou, Robert A. Raguso. Can Yeast (S. cerevisiae) Metabolic Volatiles Provide Polymorphic Signaling? PLoS One, 8(8): e70219.
Margarida Cardoso-Moreira, J. Roman Arguello, Andrew G. Clark. Mutation spectrum of Drosophila CNVs revealed by breakpoint sequencing. Genome Biology, 13:R119.
J. Roman Arguello & Tim Connallon. Gene Duplication and Ectopic Gene Conversion in Drosophila. Genes, 2:131-151.
J. Roman Arguello, Yue Zhang, Tomoyuki Kado, Chuanzhu Fan, Ruoping Zhao, Hideki Innan, Wen Wang, and Manyuan Long. Recombination yet inefficient selection along the D. melanogaster subgroup’s fourth chromosome. Molecular Biology & Evolution, 27: 848-861.
Shuang Yang*, J. Roman Arguello*, XinLi, Yun Ding, Qi Zhou, Ying Chen, Yue Zhang, Ruoping Zhao, Frederic Brunet, Lixin Peng, Manyuan Long, Wen Wang. Repetitive Element-mediated Recombination as a Mechanism for New Gene Origination in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics, 4(1): e3.
Carolyn S. McBride*, J. Roman Arguello*. Five Drosophila Genomes Reveal Nonneutral Evolution and the Signature of Host Specialization in the Chemoreceptor Superfamily. Genetics, 177: 1395-1416.
Drosophila Comparative Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium. Evolution of genes and genomes on the Drosophila phylogeny. Nature, 450, 203-218.
(Organizer and coauthor of chemosensory system section)
J. Roman Arguello, Chuanzhu Fan, Wen Wang and Manyuan Long. Origination of Chimeric Genes through DNA-level Recombination. Volff J-N (ed): Gene and Protein Evolution, Genome Dynamics. Karger Basel, Switzerland, vol 3, pp.147-162.
J. Roman Arguello, Ying Chen, Shuang Yang, Wen Wang, Manyuan Long. Origination of an X-linked Testes Chimeric Gene by Illegitimate Recombination in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics, 2(5): e77.
Eric A. Hoffman, Nicolas Kolm, Anders Berglund, J. Roman Arguello, and Adam G. Jones. Genetic structure in a coral reef associated Banggai cardinal fish, Pterapogon kauderni. Molecular Ecology, 14: 1467-1375.
Jones, A.G., J. Roman Arguello, and S.J. Arnold. Molecular parentage analysis in experimental newt populations: the response of mating system measures to variation in operational sex ratio. American Naturalist, 164: 444-456.
Hoffman, E.A., J. Roman Arguello, N. Kolm, A.Berglund,and A.G. Jones. Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci in a coral reef fish, Pterapogon kauderni. Molecular Ecology Notes, 4: 342-344.
Jones, A. G., J. Roman Arguello, and S. J. Arnold. Validation of Bateman’s principles: a genetic study of mating patterns and sexual selection in newts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 269: 2533-2539.